
12 Songs from the Oratorios

for Soprano and Piano

Händel, Georg Friedrich

From Messiah , There were shepherds
Rejoice greatly, O daughter Zion
Come unto Him
How beautiful are the feet
I know that my Redeemer liveth
From Judeas Maccabaeus : No more in Sion
Wise men flatt' ring may deceive you
O grant it, Heav' n
So shall the lute and harp awake
O let eternal honours crown his name
From mighty Kings he took the spoil
To heaven's almighty King we kneel
O Liberty thou choicest treasure
Pious orgies
Ye sacred priests
Farewell, ye limpid springs
O ! had I jubal's lyre
O, worse than death
Angels ever bright and fair

Novello & Co

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Novello & Co

18.99 EUR


